Greg Drake waxes somewhat eloquently on the CGI effects in "Driven" and
>Im [sic] sorry all of you are so uptight that you cant [sic]
>let your imagination go along with the movie.
Somewhere, I have a button purchased from a vendor at Balticon (an annual
SF con in Baltimore) a few years ago that sums up my opinion on this
subject quite well. It reads:
"I am willing to suspend my disbelief, but not hang it by the neck until
And the CGI you think is so cool is so *obviously* CGI that it's
distracting. And that's just my take from watching all the assorted and
sundry preview/behind-the-scenes shows (ESPN, SpeedVision, HBO), the TV
commercials, and the clips from the various talk shows.
Jim Crider
Flagger at several Detroit Grands Prix CART events, none of which had huge
double-decker covered grandstands on the front straight of the temporary
street circuit laid out in a city park, and none of which served as the
season finale.