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Re: Forecasts, was: How cold is it where you are?

To: Matt Murray <>
Subject: Re: Forecasts, was: How cold is it where you are?
From: Pat Kelly <>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 08:14:56 -0800
Heck we get an earthquake every day, somewhere. There's a fault that
runs north/south about a half mile from our house that generates little
ones, like around 1-2 in magnitude. You don't even feel those. Lots of
little ones are far better than a couple of 5.5+ events. We've lived in
this house for 30 plus years, and only two earthquakes made the pictures
crooked...Loma Prieta, about 40 miles away (nearer Chuck's house by a
bunch than ours) and a local one about 10 miles away.
        OTH, it's not freezing, snowing, no shoveling, and we have a hair
brained state government that has totally messed up our utilities. So
you take the good with the bad.
--Pat K

Matt Murray wrote:
> Pat & CHuck:
> I'll guess that Pat W.'s Wisconsin forecast for earthquakes has a MUCH
> smaller probability of occurring than say people in the SF area. :^)
> Matt Murray
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Pat Kelly" <>
> > I knew you hadn't forgotten... :-)
> > --Pat Kelly
> > P.S. You'll note, though I live about 40 miles from 'CHD,' it's 8
> > degrees colder here.
> >
> >
> > wrote:
> > > It's 55 F out, now, should be warm enough to work in the
> > > carport on a weekend or two...
> > >
> > > CHD

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