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RE: How cold is it where you are?

To: "washburn" <>, "Jim Garry" <>
Subject: RE: How cold is it where you are?
From: "eric salem" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 23:12:46 -0600
>You must live in a warm climate. :)  I've had 2 foot high snow drifts in
>my garage from a hole I couldn't get my thumb through.  A dry snow
>combined with a lot of wind in the right direction will force snow in
>every tiny little crack or hole.  We now have has around 32" of snow
>here in Wausau.

Snow Drifts! I've got yer' drift - right here. With my garage bay a
temporary motor shop for the winter the 911 is outside, except you'd never
know as a snow drift covers the entire car! Wanted to see how much snow was
in the car but it was too much work to check.

Omaha, Nebraska
 -8 degrees now

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