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Snow in the Midwest (was: Mark Bradakis is my hero)

To: "autox list" <>
Subject: Snow in the Midwest (was: Mark Bradakis is my hero)
From: "Loren Williams" <>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 22:12:32 -0600
Eric Salem said:

> Twenty Minute Blizzard. My God Man! Here in your neighbor to the north,
> Nebraksa, we still have white-out conditions. Mrs. Salem's Taurus at 20mph
> is like a Solo in the rain. Rumor has it even Jan & Candy Gerber won't drive
> in this weather.

I'm not kidding, it was all-out for 20 minutes.  Snow  blowing sideways so thick
that you could barely see half a block at most.  And then it was gone.  Of
course, I haven't looked out the window in a while... we could be buried now for
all I know.

Eh, I'll deal with it in the morning.  If it's too deep for the Miata, I'll
either dig my Saturn out of the driveway, or just ride in with my wife.

Loren Williams  |
'96 Mazda Miata | Wichita Region SCCA -

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  • Snow in the Midwest (was: Mark Bradakis is my hero), Loren Williams <=