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Schedules for 2001

Subject: Schedules for 2001
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 10:55:15 EDT
Here's a corporate post, sure to invoke anti-spam anger.   

Among other things, I write up the coming events column each issue in GRM, 
and this upcoming issue (Jan/Feb 2001) is esp. weak, as I haven't received 
ANY 2001 schedules.  Do any independent clubs/SCCA regions/Whatever/ out 
there have their 2001 schedules planned out?   It can be tentative, as long 
as you give me a real date, not just "sometime in October"  Please include 
contact phone numbers, locations,  etc. in you email. 

Oh, and as always,  if you haven't seen us (or you haven't been a subscriber 
in 5 or more years) and you'd like to check us out,  you can email me your 
postal address and I'll send you a free sample issue.   


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