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Re: Drivers positions?

Subject: Re: Drivers positions?
From: Ross Fortini <>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 13:34:35 -0700 (PDT)
Alek/x Tziortzis wrote:

| I agree about seating position. If you are too far from the wheel
| it can make things difficult. I was solely talking about hands on
| the steering wheel. 
| hermore, sitting really close to the wheel gives you a little
| better view out the winshield for a lot of cars. 
Keep in mind that I overheard Rusty Wallace once say to Alek/x, "Geez, man,
back away from the wheel a little!" 

Seriously, as a regular Chicago Region "observer" of Alek/x driving, I think
the reason he can pull off the "two hands at 12 o'clock" so effectively is
that he's close enough to the wheel that he's essentially pulling *straight
down* on the wheel with one hand/arm when he turns it. Also, since he's a
pretty big dude, maximizing leverage isn't as critical to him, I'd wager.

I would normally be more skeptical that his driving style is truly
effective, but has anyone else noticed how smooth he's been driving this
season? No more perennial "Most Entertaining Driver" awards for you, man!

(Just my very average 5'9" mid-100's-lb. opinion...)

-- Ross Fortini

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