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Re: No skirts in this email

To: Rocky Entriken <>
Subject: Re: No skirts in this email
From: Kat Bryce <>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 11:02:31 -0400
Rocky Entriken wrote:
> Allow me one last one? It's one I try to leave my students with:

Oh, please.  This can't be the LAST ONE.... more more more..

> Practice on the street (almost) everything you learn on course/track.

This is what got me into autocrossing to begin with.  I have always
tried to be a conscious driver.  I have always calculated the apexes on
corners and intersections.  However, I take them even later now that I
used to... ;-)  

> This one kinda surprises people. It's been said one of the problems with
> motorsport is you cannot go down to the local plaground and practice, like
> you can go shoot hoops. I disagree. 

You are so correct.  I can't even talk on the cell phone and drive.  I
can't look ahead when I do.  I still struggle on the autox course but it
is so much better!!

>I tell students the only thing you
> cannot practice is mashing the right pedal, but that's the easiest part.
> Everything else -- hand positions, seating positions, looking ahead, lines
> around corners (your "course" defined by the limits of your driving lane),
> use of the gearshift, even "advanced" lessons like left-foot braking and
> trail braking, can and should be part of daily driving technique.

Heel toe, threshold breaking, smooth acceleration...

> likely to grind the gears. You habitually balance the car in turns (not
> necessary to be doing it 10/10ths to practice the technique). You habitually

Question, I have seen this 10/10th 9/10th...  Just what is meant by


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