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Subject: Re: BSM/SM2
From: Mari L Clements <>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 17:29:29 -0700
On Fri, 22 Sep 2000 14:40:54 -0400 "Jeff Lloyd" <>
> I don't believe we should go this extreme, but limiting to 3-3 SP 
> classes and 2 SM classes, combining 2 modified classes and 2 prepared
> I think
> Stock 1,2,3,4
> SP 1,2,3 (4 if we retain a pony car class which we all know how I  feel
> that)
> SM 1+2
> AP, BP, EP
> Mod 1,2,3

Huh?  CP is gone in your revamping?  CP, the only one of the prepared
classes to make Roger's criteria?  Jeff, this is why the good things that
you do say are often ignored.  Far too often you make bizarre comments
that come from nowhere and appear to indicate that you haven't been
paying attention at all.

Sure, we may well have too many classes.  I'd like to see how you'd split
Stock into just 4 classes (when they were all pretty well subscribed this
year).  Wait, I take that back.  I would not want to see it.  

'91 MR2 NA
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