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Sucking up to sponsors

To: <>
Subject: Sucking up to sponsors
From: "The Christianson's" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2000 20:25:09 -0500
Alan says...
> TireRack is a loyal auto-x sponsor and has done a lot of good for us. I
> strongly doubt what you write here. Please keep this kind of opinion off
> list.
> Regards,
> Alan

I hafta disagree.  Opinions are everywhere, and we can express them if we
feel the need.  The Tire Rack needs to hear about people that may not be
completely satisfied if they want to stay competitive.  Just because they
decided to spend money advertising in our arena does not, in my opinion,
mean we should always tell them they are great, if at times we don't think
that is true.  

How far are you willing to go...If a sponsor were to put forth a bad
product do we all have to pretend it is good because they paid some money
to us....Sounds like the childhood story of the King and his new clothes.

BTW  I am happy to fly the tirerack banner as long as they have a good

Jeff (Loyal customer of R&S racing, as long as Ron and Sonya stay such nice
people) Christianson
#65 EM

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