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Stock in Stock - another view

Subject: Stock in Stock - another view
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 19:12:08 -0700
I have thought about this a few times, however I have come to this conclusion:

If you don't allow aftermarket shocks and a front bar, a ton of competitive cars
become extinct.  The cream REALLY rises to the top at that point.  Then the best
set up cars from the factory are overdogs.  Yes, some of those cars are at the
top now but really look at the hot set-ups for some of the contenders and I
think you will find that almost all the classes would have one car that was head
and shoulders above the others.

I think the RX-7 would destroy the Vettes with no shocks
I think the 968 would dominate with the M030
The Type R walks from the DSM's with no shocks
The 1LE destroys the Cobra's (which are winning now)

Just a couple of examples but a great debate so far!


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