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Was Equitable/Fiero etc - Now Look

Subject: Was Equitable/Fiero etc - Now Look
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 06:06:11 -0700
The list of cars that was published to the website as part of the minutes has a
few issues:

 A lot of cars were omitted
Some cars were mis-classed by mistake
Some where transcribed wrong

Look for a clarification and a much more complete list in a FasTrack near you.

Andy on 07/18/2000 12:27:41 AM

Please respond to

cc:    (bcc: Andrew Bettencourt/FIELD SALES/Kingston)

Subject:  Re: equitable classing

jsculerati wrote:

<< The heck with the cars -- we should reclass Endicott, Goeke, Bauer,
McIver...." >>

This is exactly the point I was trying to make. These guys and several others
I can think of are fast and at the top no matter what they drive. So I chose
to drive a car that an ace drives, and then I get re-classed along with them.
Okay, I took the one class hit already. But now, some of them jump to other
cars and do well, and their old car choices no longer kick butt, so they have
to be classed down?? Just because they jumped to different cars?? Their old
cars will still kick butt if they get back into them, and they will when they
get pushed down to class 8. These guys like an easy win as much as anyone.

I think many of the re-classes are a knee jerk reaction to a great driver
finding a car they like, not the fact that the car is an overdog.

My original argument from several days ago was that cars get hit for winning.
This is not right, a great driver deserves to win. If no one else can make
the car run the top number, maybe it isn't the car.

We see this year after year, the car of the moment is the one a top driver
campains. The Type R may be a bit of a stretch, and should probably be in
with the Neon ACR's. I still think it is funny that just 18 hp less is going
to land the single cam Neons in the new HStock. That is just plain silly. I
hate to bring up my car, but it has nothing to scare a 132 hp Neon in any
way. You can talk torque curve, camber, weight, it does not matter. The
current ES Neon and Celica's belong together and run very well together. If
one goes back to HS then the other shouild too. And putting the V6 cars from
GS winning yesterday in with them is a crime. Those cars are still fast if
the top driver gets back in them.

Gary Meissner

The system may not be perfect, but ES is sure a ton of fun as is. I took a
2nd out of 4 this weekend (with my wife close behind in third) and had a

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