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Re: Stock reclassification???? the answer (VERY LONG)

To: "Mark Sirota" <>,
Subject: Re: Stock reclassification???? the answer (VERY LONG)
From: "Ron Bauer" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 12:57:28 -0700
>Topper Jones wrote:
>> Gary, thank you for putting this into words. While the
>> S2000 is a blast to drive on the street, twitchy, nervous
>> and generally uncooperative seems to be the rule of thumb
>> anywhere near the limit while autoXing this car.

To which Mark Sirota commented....
>Gee, kinda like the RX-7TT?  Another car that is devilishly difficult
>to drive at the limit, yet the rewards are there if you can do it.
>Though I haven't had the opportunity to drive an S2000 on course, I'm
>inclined to agree with the SCAC on this one.  Those devilishly
>difficult cars have potential, if you can put together that great run.
>Once some driver gets one fully tuned to their preferences and gets
>used to the car, it'll be faster -- significantly faster -- than we
>see today.

Once you've had an opportunity to drive one, let us know.....   While the
S2000 does have potential that a couple of us are working on, so does the
Boxster.  I'm really having a problem understanding this anti-S2000
sentiment.  You've driven the Boxster, you know how quick it is (and I'm
pretty sure that wasn't a 2000 Boxster with the extra power.)  The results
so far this year have shown that the S2000 isn't the overdog that some
feared.  And again, besides GH's car, most of the other top Boxsters have
only had alignments and tires as their "preparation."  Since the quick
drivers in the S2000 are on the west coast and GH is on the east (well at
least his car is) we won't know until Nationals how things will pan out.

Besides, if you're to believe the other argument that the C5 is no quicker
than the C4, I can tell you right now that the C5 will easily beat an S2000,
so if the C4 is as good, the S2000 will no longer be competitive if the new
classing structure goes though, which would be a shame when the current AS
class has more cars than any other class that can win a given event.  It's
not the spec class that BS, DS and others have been.

Ron Bauer
Team Butt Heat


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