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Re: Stock class reclassings

To: "Autox" <>
Subject: Re: Stock class reclassings
From: "Brian Berryhill" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 22:43:53 -0500
> My picks regarding
> Class 1 SDS (Super-Duper Stock?) - I'm afraid the Viper GTS will be the
> car to have.  Has anyone proven the C5 is better than the C4?  Will this
> class be like T1 in road racing where they're lucky if 1 car shows
> because no on can afford them?

This will prove interesting, since Vipers are very expensive and not too
many show up where I'm at.  The ones that do show up are usually the average
joe types that can't finish with a raw time middle of the pack of all the
cars there.  So perhaps in the hands of real drivers, the Viper could
dominate the class now that they have a stock playing ground.  Maybe autox
designers will make the courses tight and slower to keep things in check so
that we don't play Formula 1.

> Class 5, DS, good class, Type R by a nose?

At least it won't be in GS anymore :P

> Class 8, GS, heavy V6's vs light inline 4's = the new melting pot.  I
> think I'd take a Sentra SE-R.

I emailed a fellow Probe GT driver today... pretty much said that higher
speed courses might favor the V6's, tighter courses might favor a lighter
weight 4cyl.  Should make it fun... should be good competition between the
PGT/MX6's and 200hp F-bodies.  The SE-R would be a good one.


Brian Berryhill

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