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Re: Laser timing head problems

Subject: Re: Laser timing head problems
From: "John Gross" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 14:10:33 PDT
The Texas A&M Sports Car Club uses the Race America system.  We've never had 
any problems with light impacting the operation of the system, though we 
have found the sensors to be sensitive to moisture (either rain or prolonged 
exposure to high humidity, as in a few weeks straight).  Our solution to the 
rain problem is to surround the milk crates that they're attached to with a 
garbage bag with a hole punched in the middle for the beam to go through.

>From: Jeff Cashmore <>
>Reply-To: Jeff Cashmore <>
>To: "" <>
>Subject: Laser timing head problems
>Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 15:44:24 -0500
>Has anyone else been having intermittent problems with their newer laser
>timing heads?  Sorry, I don't know the mfg of ours.  They seem to start
>missing starts/finishes when the sun comes out full force.  We're going
>to try some (heavy) boxes over both ends to shade them for the next
>event but I was wondering if anyone else had a better solution, (a
>Jeff Cashmore


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