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Was M3's - now Pro, why drive faster?

To: Mari L Clements <>
Subject: Was M3's - now Pro, why drive faster?
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 10:22:38 -0700
I would say this:  If you don't drive faster on Sunday, you will get passed up.
I came from 5th on Saturday afternoon to finish second in Peru...the 1st place
driver ended up in 3rd, he didn't go any faster.

If you can win a Pro Solo class by sandbagging, all the more power to you.


Please respond to Mari L Clements <>


Just an additional complaint--and this one about the structure of
ProSolo, not any
particular car or driver.  If you are the class leader, what possible
incentive do you
have to drive faster on Sunday?  All you do is lower your own index,
making you
need to drive faster in the Challenge (where you'll be facing other class
who may well have driven at 9/10 or 8/10 once they were pretty sure that
made the challenge).  The *smart* thing to do is to drive just well
enough to
win the class and avoid breaking out *too* many times.  Yuck.

Sure, there's $ for qualifying position, but the tire/manufacturer/etc.
that you get for winning the Challenge* are more $ignifcant.  I know that
Pro formats
have been thought over and thought over and thought over, but anybody
ever thought
of giving the top X qualifiers a bye round or two?  That would seem to be
more motivating
and less encouraging of sandbagging.

The way the rules are now, I swear it reminds me of NASCAR--you don't
need drive
flat out to win the overall title.  You just need to be close at the end.

'91 MR2 NA

* Not that I've ever experienced (or really expect to experience) that!
-----anything after this, I didn't write, and don't necessarily agree


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