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RE: G-analyst, geez, etc. info

To: "Byron Short" <>,
Subject: RE: G-analyst, geez, etc. info
From: "Jeffrey Lloyd" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 1999 14:00:11 -0500

I just got done setting up my new CE handheld, and these things have come a
long way.. I must BEG for you to port the entire Geez software package to
the CE platform. the ability to review my performance on site is just too
tempting, and IMHO too valuable to pass up. if I can offer any assistance
please feel free to ask... and using this 133Mhz powered machine for mere
data collection would be a shame...


Byron wrote:
Subject: Re: G-analyst, geez, etc. info
And if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to call...

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