"Concertive" means people who go to concerts a lot. Example, "There goes
Robert to the Who show. He's seen them twenty times already. He is very
I noticed my improper verb usage after sending the post. In fact, I noticed
many an error, and winced in pain. I am grateful that you didn't notice (or
at least mention) the others. I expressed tremendous grief over my terribly
hypocritical post to my mother on the phone last night. "Now I've really
done it," I said. She said, "Don't worry. No one will notice." Bah! Never
mind incomplete sentences or words; some of them I just missed all together!
That's what happens when I change my thought mid-sentence, which I do all
the time. Or, sometimes, when I get really excited, I'll just stop right in
the mid
So much for my "are complete WORDS to much to ask for?" speech.
Katie, not as concertive as I used to be.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lloyd Loring [SMTP:lloydl@skyenet.net]
> Sent: Thursday, December 09, 1999 9:28 AM
> To: autox@autox.team.net
> Subject: RE: This is team.net, not an english class!
> Katie Kelly wrote (in part):
> >And there has been more than a few occasions where
> >people have just thought things you send to
> >team.net aren't consertive, but just FREAKISH.
> Katie, as if to prove your point, it is "And there HAVE been more..."
> not "And there HAS been more..."
> But my real question is what is "consertive?" My dictionaries all
> fail me with this one. Inquiring minds want to be communicated with
> clearly! <G>
> Lloyd Loring <lloydl@skyenet.net>