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Re: Type R in GS

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Type R in GS
From: "Ron Bauer" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 14:46:37 -0800
> writes:
><< good example is the Type-R...  when it first came out, it went straight
> CSP.  I don't know the particulars of how it got moved to GS, but it
> make sense.  The car has stiffer springs/shocks and bigger swaybars/brakes
> than a stock GS-R, and they are in the same class? Huh?  And the All-wheel
> drive turbo DSM cars in GS?  210 h.p. and all-wheel drive?
> I think all Celica's (no matter what the h.p. they all seem about as
> the Type-R and the Eclipse should be moved into DS (maybe AS for the
> Eclipses)  They are all way too fast for GS.  That way GS could be fought
> out among similarly competitive cars... the Probe, MX-6, Camaro, GS-R, VW
> Corrado and Contour.  All of these cars have very similar performance
> potential, and GS was shaping up to be a very competitive and interesting
> class...  instead of another spec SCCA shootout class between $26k cars
> since the Type-R and Eclipse have gone in. >>
>As I have written in the past,  why take a well balanced competitive class
>like G-Stock and transform it into a Spec class,  apparently the SCCA had
>other place to put the Type R so why not let it dominate a much slower
>  How does a Type R compare to a MX6 or a V6 Camaro or a Probe...  If the
>people on the solo committee that made this decison can substantiate why
>car remains in GS I think we would really like to hear it...
>Bruce Bellom

I no longer have a dog in this fight, but feel compelled to make a point

As time goes by, classes change.  That's just the way it goes.  The DSM's
have been in GS for quite some time and it just so happened that no one
competitive tried one until last year.  At the time, there was a good
competition going on between the MX6's, Camaro's, etc.  Joe and I were
driving the Audi A4 in the class also that year and were doing quite well.
I didn't like the fact that the Type R got classed into GS so close to
Nationals, but that was what happened.  That is old business now.

Let's fast forward to this year.  True, the "old" GS cars have not been
competitive against the Type Rs and DSMs.  However, I believe that the DSM's
were competitive against the Type Rs and made a good battle.  I heard just
as much as everyone else how the Type R was such an overdog, BUT....

    How about this argument.....Take a look at the top five places in most
of the classes at Nationals this year.  Take the difference in time between
1st and 5th and write this figure down.  Now do the same thing in GS.  How
different is it?  While the top three of us in the class were all within
less than 2/10ths of a second and all happened to be in Type Rs, it doesn't
mean that the car is misclassed.

So, my point is that GS has changed.  A number of you may not like it, I can
understand that, but it has changed and is a competitive class.  I
especially have a problem with the argument that because the Type R is so
much better than the GSR that the Type R is the misclassed car.  The GSR
wasn't very competitive in GS before the Type R was placed there!

Ron Bauer
Team Butt Heat
Y2K S2K for the Y2K season

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