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Re: Linnhoff gets hairdried?

Subject: Re: Linnhoff gets hairdried?
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 11:26:57 -0400

>Then Jim Crider, his Cobra IRS pride injured, did say:

>>Dennis, any fear a Cobra IRS owner might have at the approach of a hairdried
>>Neon is due solely to the very real possibility of said hairdried Neon
>>scattering shrapnel all over the road he's driving on...

>Bah. The Neon motor turns out to be stout enough to take up to about 8lbs with
>reasonable intercooler. The limiting factor appears to be the high (for a turbo
>car) compression, and pistons/rods that nobody has been brave enough to risk -
>so nobody really knows how much boost they'll stand.

Oh, yeah, the engine may well take it... for a time... but I was really
referring to the transaxle, halfshafts, and drive hubs.  The engine may zing
merrily along at 8lbs of boost, but you'll be coasting over your own driveline
bits before too long.  They're certainly durable enough for their intended use
<Jim does the DaimlerChrysler Salute>, but doubled torque output takes away that

Dramatically increasing torque output will adversely affect driveline longevity.
This is true enough in any application -- including the IRS in my Cobra, the
clutch, transaxle, and transfer gearbox in your Talon after so many ProSolo and
Norwalk drag starts, the axle shafts in a GM 10-bolt subjected to a big block on
nitrous, MR2T gearboxes and CV joint hub bolts subjected to 21 lbs of
HKS-controlled boost, whatever.  A 5 oz swallow cannot carry a 1 lb coconut.
It's a simple matter of weight ratios.

>Imagine, Eric, being faster than Daddio... King of All Neons... STU is calling
>you Eric...
>Hear it? "Eric...", it's saying, "turbocharge me! Make me go faaaaaster!"

"...Buy me spare driveline bits to replace those we grenade together... Your
garage wants to be full of clutches and transaxles and halfshafts and front
uprights with shiny new drive hubs."

The reality is probably much different:  Linnhoff's little R/T shaking in its
contact patches at the mere thought of Eric force-feeding it.  :)

Speaking of Mark "Kazoo" Daddio, has anyone noticed the rather prominent
placement of Mark's "No Trunk Kits" decal on the cover page of the Pro Finale
results deck and in the latest SportsCar?  Whether you agree or disagree with
trunk kits, you gotta appreciate the cojones needed to pull that off. :)

Jim Crider
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with my car that the judicious application of money
can't fix"

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