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Re: Two half days >= one whole day (speaking ofparticipationlevels)

To: Brian M Kennedy <>
Subject: Re: Two half days >= one whole day (speaking ofparticipationlevels)
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 10:45:04 -0700
Brian M Kennedy wrote:
> At 10:45 AM 9/24/99 , Randy Chase wrote:
> >We also have some flexibility in that if your class does not run at the
> >time you have available, you can run in an "X" class (time only) in
> >another group.
> That's too cool!
> How do they handle registration and tech?
> Is it always open?  Open between every heat?  Or must you show up
> for at least some time during the morning?

Registration and Tech open around 7:30-7:45. Normally at the most
crowded points (8:45am?) there is 5 people trying to get registered and
4-5 cars in tech. No biggie.

Both Tech/Reg are open until 1:00pm normally, so if you run later, you
can show up at anytime before that also. Handy for those folks that come
down from LA and are not early risers. The course is open for walking at
lunch, so as long as you are here before group 4 runs, you can walk the
course. I think having tech/reg open for this length of time helps cut
down on the big crowds we would have if we did all cars/drivers at one
time. Anyone in the lot getting their car ready/shooting the breeze can
easily see the lines and choose to wait a bit to tech or register, so
this tends to smooth it out some.

Tech can be a worker position also for the first 4 run groups.

> Do they have any problems with worker shortages at the end of the day?
> At the beginning of the day?

No. It really is no different. As long as the groups are pretty even.
You may have to juggle a bit to get group one the same as group two. So
depending on your area, you may put AS, CSL, AM, BSP, etc in group 1,
then follow with ASL, CS, AML, BSPL etc. We try to keep the L variants
next to the corresponding open class, so a couple driving one car can be
done sooner. It would be unfortunate to run CS in group 1 and have the
wife run CSL in group 6 for example.

It seems to me that workers seem pretty evenly spread out. Some people
like to work first/early, but we use a sign in sheet that as soon as
it's filled, you have to go to the next available group. By the time
someone registers at noon, there may only be group 6 left to work. If it
matters to you, you can arrange to make sure you have a worker spot

> Man, that's me all the way -- though there's probably 80miles between
> the autox and those girls' soccer games.  And yes, I've missed most
> of the autox events held in DFW.

Family stuff is important. My daughter's team travels a lot also, and is
now playing on Saturdays and Sundays. I also coach two other teams, plus
play myself (in addition to volleyball). I very much appreciate also
that normally, the event people have been understanding when I have
asked for special requests, such as changing my work assignment to
helping take down or something else.

Randy Chase (looking for my tires today)

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