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Safety Steward

To: Judy Becker <>
Subject: Safety Steward
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 08:05:52 -0700

You wrote:
"How does Safety Angel sound? or Safety Overseer?"

Well, being your basic RedNeck from down South, I don't like the sound of
"Overseer" but I 'd better not open THAT can o' worms here.  However, since a
friend of mine in Atlanta is already mad at me about calling Safety Stewards bad
names (since she IS one), I could go for Safety Angel!

OK, OK, I'll cave in to the PC Patrol this time and say "Let's just call 'em
Safety Stewards."  There.  Case closed.  Dead horse thoroughly beaten.  Can we
talk about cars now????

Love ya, Judy.  Come back to see us soon!

JD Kemp (looking for flame-proof cover) &
"Lucretia MacEvil" (Who will deny being with me) #13 MGB

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