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Re: Earning Trophies? Nope.

Subject: Re: Earning Trophies? Nope.
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 21:16:31 -0700
Mark Shaw wrote:
> Randy Chase wrote:
> > Not as much as someone who understood the rules, wants to compete
> > nationally, bought a car to do so, spent a year or more setting it up,
> > with the intention on running national events including the finals in
> > Topeka. This has nothing to do with offending someone as you put it. It
> > does have to do with making rule changes that affect the folks now in
> > the sport.
> Wow! this begs comment.  Not because you wrote it, Randy, but because
> I have heard it as the "gospel" for Solo 2 from several years.

Without even getting into the specifics...suffice to say you have an
amazing ability to assume and read into what I wrote, things I never


Randy Chase

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