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BF Goodrich Southwest Divisional Solo II Championship, Round 2

Subject: BF Goodrich Southwest Divisional Solo II Championship, Round 2
From: Sam & Greg Scharnberg <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 08:17:45 -0500
It is not too late to enter the third Solotime Midwest Division Solo II
Championship event July 10 & 11 at the Lloyd Noble Arena in Norman, Oklahoma
hosted by Oklahoma Region.� After the July 4th Holiday, entrants will be
charged an additional $10.00 late fee.

Due to reasons beyond the organizers control, the course will not be open for
walking Friday evening. Those arriving in the afternoon may walk the course
after 3pm until 5pm. The course will be open for walking Saturday morning as
scheduled. The Paddock area is available for parking Friday and tech will also
be at the event site. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may present.

Entry form and event information can be found in PDF format at:� 

Also, the event information for the 32nd Annual Midwest Division Solo II
Championship event August 7 & 8 at Forbes Field, Topeka, Kansas hosted by
Kansas Region can be located at that site. 

The ever popular free Solotime MiDiv T-shirts for participants of 2 events
be available at the Lloyd Noble Arena event July 10-11.  Stop by the Solotime
trailer to get your shirt.

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