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Re: SP turbo rules, DG's solution ?

Subject: Re: SP turbo rules, DG's solution ?
From: "Fedja Jeleskovic" <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 18:11:33 -0400
Garry M. wrote:
>I started with a smallish T-3 60 trim turbo and ran as much as 15 psi of
>boost. I then changed to a better flowing TO4E and at the same 15 psi of
>boost, I ran severely lean and had to drop the boost at least 3 psi (only 12
>psi) to have the injectors keep up and flow enough fuel. This means I then
>made the same or more power at less boost, and the exhaust pressure was half,
>freeing up even more power. I think I had a bigger change then the T-25 vs
>TD05-14B change, but it still makes the point. The small newer turbo makes
>more power in stock trim because they run it at more boost, the bigger old
>turbo runs a lower boost level and has a flatter power curve but more lag.

I agree with a lot of things that you wrote, but I can not let boost amounts for
1G and 2G cars to stay as you mentioned them. If you would hook a boost gauge in
the intake manifold, both 1G cars will show around 10.5 psi, while 2G cars will
show around 11.5 in the completely stock trim. At the same time 1G cars are
rated 195 HP vs. 210 for the 2Gs which makes out that 1 psi of differences. I
also believe that both cars will run around 18 psi in the second gear after you
do most of the SP legal mods (at least that is correct for my 2G car compare to
the 1G DSM that was racing in Harrisburg last weekend) which makes 1G cars a bit
faster of the line.

And, the fastest 2G (to my knowledge) with 14B turbo ran 12.9x which is about
the same as what 1G cars can do with unported 14B. Ones you port that little
turbo or install larger one, 1G cars make much more power (but that is due to
better head and intake and less weight).



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