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Updated Atlanta SCCA NOPI Solo II Schedule

Subject: Updated Atlanta SCCA NOPI Solo II Schedule
From: Benjamin D Thatcher <>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 14:37:33 -0400
*Please* note changes in run groups!!

Atlanta Region SCCA NOPI 1999 Solo II Series
(Pre-register on-line at

Competitors will run/work with their own class. The Run/Work "heats" will
be rotated each event (see the run/work schedule above the calendar).

� Session Procedures                    Morning                 Afternoon

� Course set-up                         7:00 - 8:30                     
� Registration and Tech                         8:00 - 9:30             11:00 - 
� Driver's meeting                      9:35                    12:35
� Run Sessions (approximately)          10:00 - 12:30            1:00 - 4:30
� Course tear-down                                              at end of event

� Event Supplemental Regulations
� All entrants must work during the session(s) they run
� Work assignments will be given at registration
� Out of town, novice and "Time Only" entrants will be allowed to run in
either session, no matter what class they are in.
� "Time Only" entrants may enter both morning and afternoon sessions if
they pay the additional entry fee
� Entrants who don't run at the same time as their class will run for
"Time Only" except for out-of-town guests

1999 NOPI Solo II Series Schedule
Run/work heats (includes corresponding ladies' classes). 

        Blue Group:  SS, AS, FS, BSP, ESP, PRO, BP, CP 
        Red Group:  BS, ASP, CSP, DSP, ST, STR, STU
        Green Group:  CS, DS, ES, HS, AP, EP, DP, KMJr. 
        Yellow Group:  GS, OSP, AM, BM, CM, DM, EM, FM, KM

The following run/work schedule will be followed throughout the season:

March 27        School          AMS                                             
March 28        Points # 1:     Morning - Blue/Red  Afternoon - Green/Yellow
April 18                Points #2:      Morning - Red/Green Afternoon - 
April 25                Points #3:      Morning - Green/Yellow Afternoon - 
May 1-2         SEDIV           Divisional at AMS (must be an SCCA member)
May 16          Points #4:      Morning - Yellow/Blue Afternoon - Red/Green
June 26         School  AMS                                                     
June 27         Points #5:      Morning - Blue/Red  Afternoon - Green/Yellow
July 25         Points #6:      Morning - Red/Green Afternoon - Yellow/Blue
August 14       Points #7:      Morning - Green/Yellow Afternoon - Blue/Red
August 15       Points #8:      Morning - Yellow/Blue Afternoon - Red/Green     
August 28-29    SEDIV                      Perry, GA     (must be an SCCA 
September 18-19  NOPINationals  AMS                                             
October 10      Points #9:      Morning - Blue/Red  Afternoon - Green/Yellow
October 24      Points #10:     Morning - Red/Green Afternoon - Yellow/Blue
November 7      ChampionofChampions     AMS                                     

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