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Re: Atlanta Region Results from February Fun Event are on WebSite

To: Benjamin D Thatcher <>
Subject: Re: Atlanta Region Results from February Fun Event are on WebSite
From: Rex Weatherford <>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 21:16:16 -0500
Benjamin D Thatcher wrote:

> Brett,
> Thanks for the good article about our Fun Event. I take it from the
> numbers you quoted that the original number of 128 different drivers was
> a bit optimistic. Should we expect the same ratio of "optimism" from the
> 164 figure we got on Sunday? I counted 146 entry forms, Sunday.
> Thanks,
> Ben

Andy is working on the results.  He should have them up on the web
tonight.  He will have them listed by class.  PAX, and raw time lists will
be coming in the future.  (He's worked out how to do it.)

Does Steve want these results or will he make his own?


Rex Weatherford
92 Beretta GTZ 2.3 89,000 miles
89 Beretta GT 2.8 150,000 miles
#22 GS Atlanta Region SCCA Solo II G-Stock
95 Grand Am GT 3100 V-6 (can't get my wife to let me race it)

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