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Re: New car classifications -- I'M done.

Subject: Re: New car classifications -- I'M done.
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 13:30:10 EST
Richard Nichols -

You've heard from, maybe, a half dozen of the 800-1000 
subscribers with the experienced folks saying you're barking up 
the wrong tree.  We've all heard your arguments before... there's 
nothing new in them.  And, when several try to point out what's 
wrong with your perceptions, you react badly.

The point I think you're missing is that any set of rules for street 
vehicles will cause newcomers problems due to various allowance 
limits.  A points-based rule system is one method of classing cars.  
The SCCA's "bucket" classification is another.  Both have their 
downsides and their upsides.

And both will still have the same basic weakness for newcomers: 
for any given class there will be an optimum configuration.  
Someone coming in off the street will be unlikely to own that 
optimum configuration.

SCCA's outlook _is_ inclusive.  There is a class for your vehicle 
(unless it has two motors or active suction).  What SCCA doesn't 
guarantee is that your vehicle will be competitive.

Drive your chosen car well & take Randy up on his offer.

George Emery

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