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Re: Sipe's angst?

Subject: Re: Sipe's angst?
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 14:58:59 EST

Angst???  Who, me?  :-)  For the record, you've never seen *real* angst from
me, but the old mAs would have loved such an opportunity to demonstrate.

But hey, lets just call a spade a spade.  This isn't anything more than Ben
Thatcher's anti-SCCA hidden crusade.  All your sugar coated *you guys are
doing a great job* is nothing but BS.  Last year you clearly fixated on Mark
Chiles, SEDiv Solo2 Steward, and intentionally tried to undermine the SEDiv
Series with your lame GTA Series attempt (which BTW, I never did receive the
refrigerated Kwik Kool shirt you promised me and never delivered on).  This
year, suddenly your fixation is clearly on me.  The GTA thing is a bust
because the local events have always been great before you ever came along and
there's no need for some jackoff middleman promoter who doesn't deliver what's
promised.  So now your going to try to weasel your way into the Atlanta Region
Solo2 Chair position because you see the Atlanta Region as the main link to
break in the SEDiv chain.

Furthermore, as much fun as your course design at the recent NOPI and 1999
Atlanta Region season opener was, running stock class cars wide-open throttle
in 3rd gear (exceeding 70mph WOT in the turns in my underpowered-for-the-class
AS vehicle) around those turns in such close proximity to the curbs is a clear
violation of the Solo2 safety rules.  That course design demonstrated a total
reckless disregard for potential what-if's; what-if somebody lost a tire at 70
mph, what-if a novice got in over their head, etc.  Such situations are fine
as long as nothing happens, but a couple of cones aren't going to keep a car
from sliding or spinning into the curb and surrounding embankment at high
speed.  After increduously witnessing the course lot and design you had
planned through the trees and bushes for the SEDiv event in Perry, GA I began
to wonder just what your major malfunction is.  Originally I thought that
these situations were a result of your background with the laxer safety of the
Porsche club autox events.  However, your motives are now very clear to me.

I openly accuse you of willful malice against the SCCA in general, the SEDiv
in particular, and the Atlanta Region membership as a by-product, by
intentionally trying to create situations that are nothing more than a
subversive attempt to undermine the club for personal political reasons.
Frankly, it's gone on unchallenged for too long.  Something needs to be done
about it and it will be; not out of angst, but of willful determination for
preserving the SCCA and protecting it's membership from people like yourself
with self-serving hidden political agendas.

Mark Sipe

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