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Re: Help with Tire Problem

Subject: Re: Help with Tire Problem
From: "Robert M. Pickrell Jr." <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 19:54:57 -0800 wrote:

> Looking for the best solution.
> The last two autocrosses I have had the bead break on my front tire during
> hard cornering.  This results in a sudden loss of pressure and control and of
> course a lost run while I reseat the tire and hope I have enough air to pump
> it back up again.  The car is a VW.  10" wide hoosier slicks on the front.  I
> have tried higher pressures but it still does it.
> Any Ideas?

Ok What is different I assume you have driven this car, with these wheels and
these types of tires before. What has changed. Are there new wheels, new tires;
new tires defined as a new set of what you were running, or a different brand?

I would suspect one of two things first. A problem with the bead of the tire,
or a prblem with bead seat of the wheel. Another possibilty would be a problem
with the safety hump behind the bead seat area on the wheel.

I might add you confused me at first when you said the bead broke. It sounds
like the bead seat has broken, not the bead. If the bead itself breaks then the
tire will blow out and split up the side. Although you could still have a
bead on the tire.

Let me know.


> Brian

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