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Re: Fw: I AGREE!

To: "acram" <>, "SmileyRacing"
Subject: Re: Fw: I AGREE!
From: Dick Rasmussen <>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 06:56:55 -0400
At 11:04 PM 10/15/01 -0500, acram wrote:

>I'm wondering what everyone's experience has been with engine builders.  Dr.
>Paul Strottman bought my 83 Van Diemen (Gregg Lee's old car).  Paul was 70
>years old when he ran his first autocross, and he ran in the rain, on
>slicks, in the formula ford.  What a guy!  Now he has spent a season with
>the car.  Finally bought some new Hoosiers and is getting faster.  The
>engine in the car hasn't been touched in about 8 seasons.  He wants to have
>a good rebuild.  Who have people tried?  Were they reliable?  On time?  Any
>feed back will be really appreciated by Paul.
>Thanks for the info(PS I'm on the digest)
>Al Cram
>CM 38

I use a guy "knowbody in FF has ever heard of", Dennis Shaw in Raleigh,
that has probably done fewer than a dozen FF engines in his life.  However,
he is a very experienced race engine builder here in Raleigh. My engine is
a combination of Ivey, Loyning, and Butler parts and rebuilds. Dennis
rebuilt it in 1992 and again in about 1997. Considering all the other "less
than optimum" aspects of my car setup and driver, I'd say my engine isn't
the reason I haven't won the CM championship.

My recommendation is for him to find the closest engine guy that has a good
reputation and knows (or can learn) the rules. Give him enough time to
research as needed.

Dick Rasmussen
CM 85
85 Van Diemen RF-85 Formula Ford

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