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Re: No Car Content. Need help converting a music file--

To: "Chuck Nicodemus" <>,
Subject: Re: No Car Content. Need help converting a music file--
From: "Tony Tynan" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2005 23:16:06 -0000
What jumps out at me from this thread is the alacrity with which helpful
responses emerged, on a topic which is not exactly germaine to the
discussion of old crocks (and better of course)  This is in stark contrast
to my experience in another classic car NG where this posting would have
attracted immediate howls and snarls of "off topic" plus various unkind
references to the IQ of the 'offender'.   It's gratifying that decency
subsists here (and indeed historically has done) and that someone can seek -
and receive - help on an un-related matter without insult.  It also says
something  about the intelligence as well as the spirit, now well
established,  of the group's membership, .   Good work,  say  I

(Rootes weakness - but music too.........)
-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Nicodemus <>
To: Steve Laifman <>; Dan Eiland <>
Cc: Tiger List <>; Jensen List
<>; Alpine List <>
Date: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: No Car Content. Need help converting a music file--

>Irregardless of the content, isn't it cool the way we all get an answer!!

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