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Re: Powder Coating Suspension

To: "Dan Eiland" <>, "Tiger List"
Subject: Re: Powder Coating Suspension
From: "Ross" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 20:01:32 -0700
Hi there, long time no see.
I have been doing a lot of powder coating on my restoration.  Expect a
reasonable set up charge around $60.00, plus time and materials.  I have had
stuff included with someone else's order when I was not particular about the
color of black and skipped the setup charge. So, I have paid from as low as
$40 for one item to as much as $190 for picky colors including setup.
Philip "Commodore Blues" Hulse

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Eiland" <>
To: "Tiger List" <>; "Jensen List"
<>; "Alpine List" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 6:20 PM
Subject: Powder Coating Suspension

> I am almost ready to begin on my suspension and was wondering what I
> expect to pay to have my suspension powder coated? I should have all my
> parts by the middle of July and have finally found some powder coating
> companies locally. Just trying to be prepared before I am told it will
> me another three children and my wife has to...... More than I'm willing
> pay!
> Dan Eiland

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