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Re: Dragon Movie, little or no Alpine content

Subject: Re: Dragon Movie, little or no Alpine content
From: Roger Gibbs <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 19:42:57 -0800

Just getting to last week's mail.

Did anyone answer your request?  I think that I vaguely recall this movie, I
saw it in a theater in 1966? 67?  I recall that the hero was given a shield
and little figures that could be changed into fighting men (maybe by throwing
them to the ground).  I also recall a cave and lots of heat, so that one of
the fighters (a knight) took his armor off.  Is this the same movie?

-Roger wrote:

> When I was a kid, I saw a movie that I'd like to find again.  I was hoping
> someone else might remember it.  I remember the hero being a young man who
> went to some woman in a cave, perhaps a witch of some sort.  She gave him a
> special shield, sword, white horse and perhaps other fighting stuff.  I'm
> pretty sure he went off to fight a dragon.
> I'm sure there were mountains in the movie- perhaps Alpine mountains.
> (Stretched Alpine content)
> Does anyone remember this movie?
> Thanks,
> Jay

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