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RE: Sad day for all (SpeedVision) race fans...

To: "'Brent Kasl'" <>
Subject: RE: Sad day for all (SpeedVision) race fans...
From: "Berghult, Bob" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 10:10:41 -0400
I signed the petition, thanks for calling it to our attention.

Bob Berghult 
Series IV, B9405637 LRX 39 (mine) 
Series 3 GT, B9203825 LRX 39 (son's) 

-----Original Message-----
From: Brent Kasl [ <> ]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 10:05 AM
To: jumpin'jan
Cc: Alpine List; tiger board; Robert Ritter; Jack Frillman
Subject: Re: Sad day for all (SpeedVision) race fans...

We have to get this message out to as many fans as possible. NASCAR would
be a disaster in my opinion and I hope other Speedvision viewers feel the
same way. Brent

jumpin'jan wrote:

> The petition to stop this is still out there maybe some more signatures
> could help, this error in Fox's judgment isn't over until the 'new'
> channel
> actually appears.  Hopefully now that people see what is going to
> happen,
> all Speedvision's faithful will speak up.
> Jan
> --
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