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A Laifman Article??

To: "Tiger's Den" <>,
Subject: A Laifman Article??
From: Steve Laifman <>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 12:55:50 -0700

Can it be true? After browbeating everyone I could to contribute
articles, I finally wrote one?

Yes, and it's full of pictures and design drawings on our favorite
subject, Tiger cooling. This is a record of the changes I have made to
successfully solve a severe overheating problem. I certainly hope the
TE/AE evaluation team read it, as well.

It is entitled "Cool it, Buddy!" and is located at under the Technical Tips heading,
Performance Tuning section. It is also linked in "Restoration Tips".

Quick Link:

As an example for everybody, a link is provided in the TigersUnited
Forum, under the appropriate "Section A - Cooling System". All List
posted recommendations worth being able to find again should also be
posted in the appropriate location by the original author. A simple
copy/paste into a "Post New Topic" option is quick, painless, and
findable. (HINT, HINT!) Which is why the Alpine List was included, even
though they NEVER have cooling problems. Their Tiger commonality
recommendations can be posted there as well.

Steve Laifman
Steve Laifman        < Find out what is most    >
B9472289              < important in your life     >
                               < and don't let it get away!>

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