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Re: [(no Alpine content) disaster in NY ]

To: "Javier Alamo" <>,
Subject: Re: [(no Alpine content) disaster in NY ]
From: Jan Eyerman <>
Date: 11 Sep 2001 22:31:25 EDT

Thank you for the kind words, it is nice to know that people in other
countries care a little for the USA.

The famous Eyerman luck held..... I am the unluckiest gambler there is, I
ALWAYS lose. However, in the "real world" I am VERY lucky. My meeting at
9:00 AM in the World Trade center was YESTERDAY. It does seem strange that I
will never again ride the escalator up from the PATH subway into the building.
I will never again walk those marble halls, never see the huge underground
shopping center. I bought the last candy bar from the candy stand outside the
entrance to the PATH subway that I will ever buy. 

Twenty years ago my Mom had an office on the 80th floor of the North Tower,
fortunately she has been retired for a long time, but I know the buildings
well. They are a MAJOR transit point for the subways and the "PATH" and I
often pass through the buildings when I am going to downtown Manhattan and the
financial district. 

I can still everything the way it was at 11:00 AM yesterday when I rode back
down the escalator to catch the PATH subway back to New Jersey. 

I was on my way into New York City this morning, stuck in a traffic jam on
Route 280 in Newark when I saw the second airplane hit the second tower. I
parked at the parking lot by the PATH station and watched the huge fires,
waiting a short while and then called my wife to tell that I had not made it
into New York this morning (much to her relief!). My meeting this morning was
at 1 Penn Plaza, so I wasn't even going near the World Trade Center, but it
was still a shock. 

The good news for me was that the people I met with yesterday made it out OK.

So far, everyone we know is OK, some are just getting home now (10:30 PM). 

Jan Eyerman
Flanders, New Jersey

"Javier Alamo" <> wrote:
All my sympathies to all USA list members and their families.  We are
concerned too.
Good luck.

Javier Alamo
66 Alpine
Mexico City

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