B9107291 is when the wheels changed in production. The color changed
shortly before that, but has not yet been confirmed to a Serial Number.
In case anyone has not yet notice yet, I've created a time line of
Alpine production changes by Serial Number on my web site
(www.sunbeamalpine.org). Just click on 'Time Line' off of the home page.
I've been working on a collection of important Serial Numbers in
production history for some time now and I feel this will be an on going
project for a long time still to come. What I have so far has been
CMeinel464@aol.com wrote:
> Jan,
> You just confirmed what I thought was true. I think somewhere in the Series
> II production all Alpines went over to the foam white wheels.
> Now I'm looking for exceptions to the rule as in the case of the Alpine III
> GT's.
> Curt
Ian Spencer <www.sunbeamalpine.org>
'61 Series II Alpine B9104704 LRX
'61 Harrington Alpine B9104782 OD HRO
'62 Harrington Le Mans BH9115930 OD LRX
'62 Harrington Le Mans BH9116754 OD LRX
'62 Harrington Le Mans BH9117497 OD LRX
'64 Series IV Automatic B9401426 BW LRX
'67 Series V Alpine B395016967 LRX