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Re: Alpines anyone? (was Re: BOY SCOUTS NEED YOUR HELP!)

To: (Jerome Yuzyk)
Subject: Re: Alpines anyone? (was Re: BOY SCOUTS NEED YOUR HELP!)
From: (lauri lehtinen)
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 09:09:03 +0300
>Ummm... Folks: It seems to me that the only politics that need concern
>us here on the   Alpines Mailing List   surrounds the car that is the
>namesake of this List.
Yes. My Alpine (Mk IV -64) was only few metres away from an Alpine Renault
at American Cars Show in Helsinki (at the "Eurosport" hall) last spring.

I have not purchased Alpine Car Stereo System, anyway.

�orenzo Pamfletti

�auri Lehtinen
Lehtipuu Oy
Kirkonkylantie 83
00780 Helsinki
tel: +358 400 851988

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