Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I need to add back 2 alignment shims on both wishbones on left side. Bentle=
y says to slack off the 4 wishbone brackets to frame nuts and washers and t=
hen do your thing.=C2=A0 =C2=A0 Nothing has moved and I don't want to hamme=
r needlessly.=C2=A0 =C2=A0Advice and suggestions on how to proceed with the=
min of pain and hassle.
Thank you,=C2=A0 Bruce 73 tr6
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
I need to add back 2 alignment shims on both wishbones on left side. Bentley
says to slack off the 4 wishbone brackets to frame nuts and washers and then do
your thing. Nothing has moved and I don't want to hammer
needlessly. Advice and suggestions on how to proceed with the min
of pain and hassle.<br>Thank you, Bruce 73 tr6<br><div
id="ymail_android_signature"><a id="ymail_android_signature_link"
from Yahoo Mail on Android</a></div>
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