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Re: Ignition help needed

To: MJSUKEY@cs.com
Subject: Re: Ignition help needed
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2002 15:48:14 -0700 (PDT)
Marty---It sounds as if you're not getting voltage thru the ballasted
wire to the coil. 

For reasons I don't fully understand, more energy gets passed on, just
as the key is released.  Anyway, the check for this is simple enough.
Remove the wire at the coil + side connection, and isolate it. 
 Run a jumper wire from a power source, like from the fuse box, to the
coil + side. If the car starts and runs, you'll then need to find the
break in the wire that supplies the coil. To get you to the "race", you
can leave a jumper going from an ignition controlled fused terminal to
the coil, so it will shut the engine off with the key.  
Care should be taken that it won't fall off under the rigors of racing.

You can also check to see if there is at least 6V going from the wire
out of the harness to the coil + , when the ignition key is on.

Take it easy for the first 100 yards on that fresh engine!

Dick T.

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