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RE: A Couple of Detail Question..

To: six pack <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: A Couple of Detail Question..
From: Peter Zaborski <peterz@merak.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 10:28:13 -0700
> From: bob [mailto:rmf3860@erols.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 7:10 PM
> 1. The plate on the firewall through which the heater hoses
> pass is screwed on and has an  oversize rubber gasket 
> behind it. Is this plate and gasket painted while attached to
> the car? Or is it installed after the engine compartment is
> painted?

If you're referring to a black plastic plate, it is unpainted.

> 2. Are the 24 or so bolts and washers that attach the top
> edge of the inner and outer fenders painted?

Painted body color.

> 4. Similarly, the bracket that holds the alternator was also 
> designed to hold the air pump. Has anyone replaced the
> bracket with one that just holds the alternator? Which
> parts do I need?

If you try to do this with the older style TR6 bracket (same as the Spit
bracket BTW), you'll find the alternator will not fit. The mounting holes on
your alternator are "reversed" (or maybe mirrored is a better word) to fit
the dual bracket of the later cars. So you'll need to change that at least.
Probably you can just take apart your alternator and reverse the pieces
(you'll see what I mean when you try to fit the alternator using the older
bracket, I think the TRF catalog might even illustrate this difference), but
I don't know for sure. Or you can try to find an alternator from an older
car. I'm not sure at which point the alternators were changed to the ACR18
of the latest models (these have the most output, ~43 amp I think). So you
need to consider that if you like your current 43 amps. You'll also need a
different adjustment bracket, the one with the slot that one of the mounting
bolts slides in to tighten up the belt.

The reason for this difference in alternators is that on the newer bracket,
the alternator mounts "below" the bracket. On the older bracket the
alternator mounts "above" the bracket. I'm guessing on the older cars the
alternator sits higher than on the newer cars (assuming the air pump is
gone). If you're worried about center of gravity, it's better to have the
alternator sit lower than higher. (Ok, maybe this matters more to an F1 team
than to a TR6 driver :-).

This info based on my car, a 76.


Peter Zaborski  CF58310UO

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