My experience with this is that the Bonnet can be aligned by loosening the
bolts holding the hood hinge brackets where they attach to the inside wall.
Adjust the hood according to your desire and tighten one bolt only. Close
bonnet and check the alignment. Repeat until desired position is achieved.
Then tighten all bolts. Make sure the rubber spacers are in place along the
fenders. These are sometimes forgotten when cars are re-sprayed. They help
with alignment and dampen any rattle. Also the lock can be adjusted to pull
the hood down at the top end. There are two rubber cones in the upper
corners that can be adjusted as well. I used a marble to check my alignment
groove. It justified my visual settings. Hope this helps.
Robert L. Gannon
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TR6 1974 CF22956U
TR3A 1960 TS70951L