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Re: Clutch accessories

To: gklein@toad.net (Gary & Priscilla Klein)
Subject: Re: Clutch accessories
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 12:43:27 -0800 (PST)
Gary---The T/O bearing may have been the 'up-rated' one, since you say
it was made in Japan. Most say made in UK unless you specifiy (and pay
extra) for another kind. Your invoice will tell you, as there's about a
$50 difference. I'd like to know!  So far as the "chirp" that was
"there, now gone," I'd like to determine the reason for this as well.
I'm torn between thinking it's either the balls in the cage inside the
bearing that are protesting, or maybe the leading end of the T/O bearing
itself when it first makes contact with the fingers of the pressure
plate. I have not been able to duplicate this sound while using an old
clutch and bearing in a drill press.  Any ideas, listers?  

You have the anti-rotate 'pin" in your sleeve, so that sort of excludes
the friction from the sleeve to front collar as the source of the chirp.   

Need more info!!

Dick T. 

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