6pack (date)
October 30, 2000
- Re: Type of grease for packing windscreen wiper motor gears, Gary & Priscilla Klein, 18:02
- Frame repair, TR6me, 17:56
- NAPA Gold oil filter, Rick Patton, 17:48
- Type of grease for packing windscreen wiper motor gears, Peter Macholdt, 14:41
- Re: Spin-on oil adapter, Timothy Holbrook, 12:26
- Spin-on oil adapter, Fred Wickline, 05:58
- Re: Crank seal test, Sally or Dick Taylor, 01:54
October 29, 2000
- Re: Napa oil filter/number supplied, Valerie Stabenow, 20:59
- Napa oil filter, KTnKT, 19:42
- Fwd: Trunnions...sourcing, not lubrication, LaJoMor, 17:07
- Re: Colour of hubcaps??, LaJoMor, 16:51
- Another Triumph Enthusiast, jdhenn, 15:45
- Colour of hubcaps??, Bernard Robbins, 14:13
- Trunnions...sourcing, not lubrication, LaJoMor, 09:24
October 26, 2000
- Turn Signal Switch, John Phillips, 19:08
- Re: archives, The Brinkers, 17:29
- RIMS / TIRES, Don, 16:33
- Re: weber dgv carbs, Kevin D. O'Connor, 15:14
- Re: TR6 Brake Master Cylinder rebuild, Michael Graham, 13:45
- archives, John Hauser, 13:00
- weber dgv carbs, LU110JATC, 11:49
- TR6 conv. top, Ed Armbruster, 10:53
- Non return indicator problems, Mark Mallinson, 10:43
- RE: Gauges-Tires-Rims, Peter Zaborski, 08:15
October 24, 2000
- Window springs, DKatzfey, 20:47
- Band Style Exhaust Clamps?, Don Clark, 17:06
- Re: Turn signal alignment, Bernard Robbins, 15:19
- Re: Turn signal alignment, Gary & Priscilla Klein, 15:12
- Re: Gauge Rings, Sally or Dick Taylor, 14:54
- Re: Tires, ingate, 07:25
- Gauge Rings, Hansen, Hans C, III (Red), BMSLS, 03:06
- Re: Tires, Sally or Dick Taylor, 01:12
October 22, 2000
- Shock conversions, Mitchel Seff, 20:28
- Yet another Shock conversion, Mitchel Seff, 20:26
- I'm Confused, Robert Greene, 19:26
- Overdrive issues, Robert Greene, 19:17
- Re: I'm confused, DANMAS, 14:17
- TR 6 manual, Jon L. F., 13:38
- Re: noise from 4a engine, Don, 09:39
October 18, 2000
- Re: J-TYPE overdrive, LaJoMor, 19:03
- To further confuse the shock situation, Mitchel Seff, 18:57
- Re: J-TYPE overdrive, Grego Sanguinetti, 14:57
- RE: J-TYPE overdrive, Couzelis,William M.(NXI), 11:55
- Source for Electronic Ignition, Jester, Chad (GEAE), 08:05
- Re: J-TYPE overdrive, Timothy Holbrook, 07:11
October 17, 2000
- J-TYPE overdrive, DMD757CAPT, 23:02
- Re: Engine Rebuild, KTnKT, 21:05
- Re:Dimensions for TR4/TR6, edwin.mcguirk, 20:29
- Toyota front brake calipers, KTnKT, 18:23
- Delorto Carbs, Gary Moore, 17:58
- Dimensions for TR4/TR6, Michael Graham, 15:51
- Re: New '73 for me..., Sally or Dick Taylor, 14:50
- Re: SHROUD, Gary Moore, 13:05
- New '73 for me..., hill, 11:30
- Re: Jet-Hot and other exhaust coatings, ingate, 08:50
October 13, 2000
- Re: Windows & doors/2cents, Valerie Stabenow, 19:55
- re door problems, TR6me, 19:05
- DCOEs, Don, 18:16
- RE: Intake Port Spacing Question - Follow-up, Don Clark, 17:56
- Re: Windows & doors, Timothy Holbrook, 16:59
- Windows & doors, The Whites, 15:32
- Engine re-build, The Whites, 15:28
- RE: Radiator shroud, Timothy Holbrook, 10:28
- RE: Radiator shroud, Jim Davis, 08:01
- Re: Fuel pressure, Webers, Sally or Dick Taylor, 01:14
- Re: drain plugs, Sally or Dick Taylor, 00:43
October 12, 2000
- drain plugs, Mark Creamer, 21:22
- RE: Intake Port Spacing Question, Don Clark, 17:47
- Re: Intake Port Spacing Question, Btp44, 17:41
- Re: Intake Port Spacing Question, Btp44, 16:15
- Re: Intake Port Spacing Question, dstauffa, 16:07
- Radiator shroud, Jim Davis, 15:38
- Re: Intake Port Spacing Question, Bernard Robbins, 15:37
- Intake Port Spacing Question, Don Clark, 15:30
- aluminum flywheels now on sale, Jim D, 15:20
- RE:, Jim Hill, 12:50
- [no subject], Don Clark, 12:10
October 06, 2000
- New? LBC/ Amphibian?, Robert Greene, 17:14
- Center Consoles, John Phillips, 15:45
- RE: center console, Ryan Miles, 10:10
- RE: center console, Creamer, Mark, 06:46
- Re: Shot peening, lightening, Sally or Dick Taylor, 00:41
October 05, 2000
- Re: Gear box oil change, Mark Creamer, 21:34
- Re: need help with connecting rod, Kai M. Radicke, 19:57
- need help with connecting rod, TR6me, 19:39
- TR6 Hardtop Info., Robert Greene, 14:58
- RE: Steering rack, Phil Buck, 14:11
- Steering rack, Harmon, Mike, 13:29
- RE: Gear box oil change, Phil Buck, 09:22
- Re: Gear box oil change, Peter Macholdt, 07:11
October 04, 2000
- Re: Gear box oil change, Timothy Holbrook, 23:05
- Re: Gear box oil change, Mark Creamer, 22:12
- Re: Gear box oil change, Ken Davis, 20:28
- Re: EGR service counter, DANMAS, 16:51
- Re: Gear box oil change, Timothy Holbrook, 10:41
- Gear box oil change, Creamer, Mark, 10:13
October 03, 2000
- Re: TR6 Console, Mark Creamer, 17:41
- Re: leaky header, Don, 15:05
- Re: TR6 Console, TR6GREG, 11:15
- Re: TR6 Console, RangerCRS, 07:51
- RE: TR6 Console, Creamer, Mark, 06:46
October 02, 2000
- Re: TR6 Console, Timothy Holbrook, 22:01
- TR6 Console, Bill Michael, 19:26
- EGR service counter, KTnKT, 18:36
- leaky header, Opntop, 18:04
- RE:Trans woes, TRDOCTOR, 16:50
- Blue TR-6, Ben Heller, 06:16
- How many TR250's are 'on road' In the USA?, Triumphtr250nut, 01:47
October 01, 2000
- Re: Trans woes, Btp44, 21:00
- Re: Wedgloc bolts on transmission selectors, Btp44, 20:45
- Re: Trans woes, Timothy Holbrook, 20:25
- Re: Overdrive over-the-hill?, Timothy Holbrook, 20:18
- Overdrive over-the-hill?, Mark Creamer, 19:49
- Wedgloc bolts on transmission selectors, Peter Macholdt, 19:14
- Trans woes, TomRJade, 17:15
- RE: Thoughts on changes, Dave Brackin, 07:23