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Re: Door Rattles

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Door Rattles
From: Timothy Holbrook <tjh173@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 04:41:20 -0700 (PDT)
You are right to replace the fuzzy and rubber strip at the top of the
door, but you should also replace the window channels which are within
the door.  The glass slides up and down through these channels.  The
channels are U-shaped and are lined with fuzzy material which falls
apart over time, allowing the windows to shake within the channels
because they aren't being held tight.  Replace all 4 channels (two in
each door) and the rattles should go.  TRF sells a kit that comes with
all the channels and hardware.  Pretty simple job, it took care of the
rattles in my doors.

Tim Holbrook
1971 TR6

--- Cliff Davies <cdavies@holzher.com> wrote:
> A couple of questions concerning door rattles.
> I have a window actually two that rattle going over bumps, if I
> change 
> the fuzzy and rubber strip where the window meets the top of the door
> what else needs to be done? the window moves around when the window 
> is below those seals. It would seem to me there are other adjustments
> to 
> be made. The doors also rattle a bit, I noticed that my door latch
> plates 
> (on the post) have bullets that lock into the door plates. Mine are
> kind of 
> loose, are the supposed to be? if not is it worth trying to repair
> them or 
> just buy new plates.
> Thanks,
> Cliff
> 73 TR6

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