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References: [ 3 ]

Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. Vertical (Downdraft) SU's (score: 1)
Author: "Rob Reilly" <>
Date: 17 Nov 1993 16:08:38 -0600
*brass* pistons, and a cap marked something like "Few drops oil >weekly". The oil damper and return spring were introduced in the late >30's or 40's. This is facinating, Roger. I've never seen a pre-
/html/british-cars/1993-11/msg00376.html (8,582 bytes)

2. Copper Pipe for Heater Hose (score: 1)
Author: "Rob Reilly" <>
Date: 15 Jun 1993 12:02:03 U
On my '74 XJ12, which sprung a leak on a weekend with no chance of getting a correct hose, I made heater connector pipes from hardware store copper pipe and 90 deg. elbows, with a short straight hose
/html/british-cars/1993-06/msg00352.html (7,365 bytes)

3. Brake Squeal, Moss boxes, a (score: 1)
Author: "Rob Reilly" <>
Date: 18 Jun 1993 12:56:09 U
Answer: the duct tape on my furnace is hard and brittle. The adhesive is baked onto the ducts. For brake pads I use MossFett (I think its molybdenum disulphide) a grey gooey stuff I got from the Volv
/html/british-cars/1993-06/msg00418.html (8,819 bytes)

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