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Total 29 documents matching your query.

1. Fwd: Win 2 trips with the Best of Both Worlds Sweepstakes! (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 15:26:34 EST
Fellow 6Packers I joined a New Castle mail list after the TRials in Bowling Green. Every few months they send something and this arrived yesterday. I though other may have an interest also. Steve Tho
/html/6pack/2005-02/msg00227.html (7,735 bytes)

2. TR6 leaves Bowling Green, KY (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2005 22:31:40 EST
As many of you know, I sold my TR3B and TR6 over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend through Ebay. The TR3B is in transit to Washington state by commercial carrier. The TR6 left Bowling Green today dri
/html/6pack/2005-01/msg00082.html (7,125 bytes)

3. Bill Pugh's progress- in Texas (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 20:25:24 EST
I just talked to Bill and Annabell Pugh and they are in Texas, south of Dallas. He said the car is doing ok and averaging 22 miles per gallon. They seem to be enjoying the trip and have a lot of mil
/html/6pack/2005-01/msg00106.html (6,522 bytes)

4. Searching for Matt Mullin (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 14:01:10 EST
6Packers (including Matt)- I have an old email address for Matt. Can anyone supply his new email address? If anyone else is in a position to help, I am trying to get a car looked at in Cincinnati, OH
/html/6pack/2004-12/msg00251.html (7,303 bytes)

5. Re: From another list : Police (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 20:18:34 EST
Andy et al That reminds me of a great story from The Summer Party (TSP) 3 years ago. One of my good friends drove to TSP in a RHD Doretti. Many can now guess who he is I suppose. After passing throug
/html/6pack/2004-11/msg00199.html (8,522 bytes)

6. Selling TR6 and TR3B (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2004 01:45:02 EST
After a lot of soul searching, I have decided to sell my TR3B and TR6. I have become more interested in motorcycles and have not attended many events in the last several years. I do not want the car
/html/6pack/2004-11/msg00280.html (6,707 bytes)

7. Re: Selling TR6 and TR3B (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2004 17:05:57 EST
They are 07038304&rd=1 and 507030199&rd=1
/html/6pack/2004-11/msg00290.html (6,721 bytes)

8. Re: TRials (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 21:09:51 EDT
Todd et al Enjoy the 6Pack TRials! I cannot go. I have family duties and lots of them in the coming weeks. My Father has moved to a retirement complex and is not happy. I am also visiting schools wit
/html/6pack/2004-08/msg00329.html (7,288 bytes)

9. VTR Update? (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 23:50:21 EDT
Any update for us still at home? I talked to Keith Bryson today, who is from my hometown, who had nothing but nice things to say about the Convention. Any other updates? Steve Thornton Bowling Green
/html/6pack/2004-07/msg00183.html (6,229 bytes)

10. (no subject) (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 23:06:30 EDT
Hello Lists Anyone heard who won Best of Show at VTR? Any other reports? Steve Thornton Bowling Green, KY
/html/6pack/2004-07/msg00191.html (6,263 bytes)

11. Re: Is down? and question (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 23:36:58 EDT
I have contributed to this list more regularly in year's past. However, I lurked with lots of interest for the past year or so. All that to say, I did not realize how much I enjoyed the daily postin
/html/6pack/2004-06/msg00018.html (7,423 bytes)

12. TRA Update? (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2004 22:56:29 EDT
Does anyone have a TRA update? It is this weekend in Springfield, OH- or so I thought. Steve Thornton Bowling Green, KY
/html/6pack/2004-06/msg00308.html (6,162 bytes)

13. Re: Center Console Available (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 10:43:31 EST
Corey and List I agree with Corey. When I restored a TR6 I wanted to attempt a serious concours effort. I paid serious amounts of money at times, but knew the options were few. I bought NOS parts lik
/html/6pack/2004-03/msg00359.html (9,078 bytes)

14. Re: Kas Kastner's NEW competition book for Christmas (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 09:09:39 EST
Hello List I do not want to start another round of debate about this issue. However, I think there are ads for businesses that are objectionable and there are some that are not. Ted's ad is fine. If
/html/6pack/2003-12/msg00187.html (9,789 bytes)

15. Re: TRF Catalog (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 09 Oct 2003 11:00:14 -0400
I also noticed from the website a new sale/catalogue. Looks like a pretty good sale. The catalogue is called the One-Hundred Grand Sale and it includes parts for TR2, TR3, TR4, TR4A, TR250, and TR6
/html/6pack/2003-10/msg00159.html (7,134 bytes)

16. Nisonger alternatives (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2003 13:47:01 EDT
I have had several good experiences with Nisonger Instruments, and one bad. The bad one is the most recent. I am looking for an alternative to Nisonger to rebuild instruments for my TR 250 restorati
/html/6pack/2003-10/msg00369.html (6,685 bytes)

17. Re: TRF Summer Party (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 11:22:48 -0400
Steve et al Good to hear from the Black Hills! I have attended the Summer Party for the last several years. However, this year I rode my 2000 Indian Chief to Sturgis. The weather would suggest I made
/html/6pack/2003-08/msg00189.html (9,428 bytes)

18. Dan Masters problems? Help! (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 01:29:27 EDT
I have a 1971 TR6 that first developed a problem a month or so ago. I drove it one night and when I returned home and had to move a car in the driveway to get the TR6 in the garage, I found my TR6 w
/html/6pack/2003-08/msg00543.html (7,676 bytes)

19. Re: Dan Masters problems? Help! (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 03:14:33 EDT
Alex et al You were right. New battery and it is like a new car! I did not think a battery would go out without signals before it happened. Thanks for your help Steve Thornton Bowling Green, KY /// 6
/html/6pack/2003-08/msg00578.html (6,926 bytes)

20. Test- please delete (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2003 02:31:16 EDT
/// mailing list /// or try /// Archives at
/html/6pack/2003-07/msg00647.html (6,353 bytes)

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