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References: [ +from:smithw1: 30 ] [ at (Too many documents hit. Ignored) ] [ 78 ]

Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [TR] Digest mode (score: 198)
Author: smithw1 at (William L. Smith)
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 21:20:53 -0400
Mark, happy to hear that the digest may be back. I, like Gary Klein, was subscribed to the digest, but started receiving individual posts. Will our subscription option to receive the digests be reins
/html/triumphs/2011-06/msg00731.html (8,628 bytes)

2. [TR] Seals/O-rings (score: 186)
Author: smithw1 at (William Smith)
Date: Mon, 07 May 2018 22:31:36 -0400
Dan, I don't know about the spin on adaptor for the TR4, but I seem to recall that my local power boat supplier had O-rings that fit my TR6. (they carry all kinds of O-rings).? It was about 20 years
/html/triumphs/2018-05/msg00059.html (7,275 bytes)

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