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Total 45 documents matching your query.

1. [TR] Shade tree Timing (score: 206)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2012 20:53:47 -0500
Bill, Did you measure the diameter of your crankshaft pulley? I have a new stock one down in the garage. I will measure it tomorrow and let you know what I come up with. I imagine all the stock pulle
/html/triumphs/2012-01/msg00644.html (12,681 bytes)

2. [TR] Update on paint fisheye situation.. (score: 195)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2011 22:56:25 -0400
Thanks, I think you are right.. I just basically wiped wet degreaser on with one microfiber towel and left it there. Do you think using a microfiber cloth towel is safe or should I pick up some of th
/html/triumphs/2011-07/msg00455.html (9,937 bytes)

3. [TR] Update on paint fisheye situation.. (score: 195)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2011 23:51:06 -0400
Thanks John, I think I will talk to my paint supplier next week and put together a plan for next weekend. It really took me by surprise as I was just respraying the same base and clear over itself ag
/html/triumphs/2011-07/msg00457.html (10,028 bytes)

4. [TR] Update on paint fisheye situation.. (score: 195)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 11:12:29 -0400
Thanks for all the great suggestions. I have read that using fisheye eliminator should be a last resort. I still need to talk to my paint supplier but that will be later this week. It seems the main
/html/triumphs/2011-07/msg00480.html (12,907 bytes)

5. [TR] Shade tree Timing (score: 195)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2012 18:17:08 -0500
Bill, I came across this link awhile back regarding locating TDC on an assembled engine and then deterimining where to put the timing mark.
/html/triumphs/2012-01/msg00638.html (10,175 bytes)

6. [TR] Shade tree Timing (score: 195)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2012 00:34:04 -0500
Ah Yes.. been there done that. Dave Connitt
/html/triumphs/2012-01/msg00654.html (10,546 bytes)

7. [TR] TR4A 400 mile checkup (score: 195)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2014 19:57:51 -0400
Today I put the TR4A up on jack stands and changed the oil and filter for it's 400 mile check. I started at the rear and worked my way up to the front checking for loose fastners or anything needing
/html/triumphs/2014-06/msg00000.html (89,044 bytes)

8. [TR] TR4A lower fender attachment clips (score: 183)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 10:00:37 -0500
Hi List, I have been looking for replacements for my lower fender attachment clips on my TR4A. This is the little dogleged metal tab where one end slips into a slot in the lower sill and there is a t
/html/triumphs/2011-01/msg00437.html (8,096 bytes)

9. [TR] CPI Index (score: 183)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 19:32:40 -0500
List, Ever wonder what that first car would cost in todays dollars? This is a eye opener.. Dave Connitt '67 TR4A IRS
/html/triumphs/2011-01/msg00563.html (6,776 bytes)

10. [TR] Ignition coil question.. (score: 183)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2011 19:38:42 -0500
Hi List, Like practically everyone on this list, my garage is way too cold to venture into for at least a couple of months so.. Here I sit writing this email. Today I discovered a bunch of old Classi
/html/triumphs/2011-02/msg00312.html (9,107 bytes)

11. [TR] Scuttle vent drain tubes. (score: 183)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2011 19:23:36 -0500
Hi List, It took me awhile to find this website again but there is a really nice application of a Ford Mustang "quarter panel plug" that a guy used when restoring his TR6 to vent the scuttle out the
/html/triumphs/2011-03/msg00325.html (7,778 bytes)

12. [TR] (TR) Rear Shocks (score: 183)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2011 09:33:49 -0400
List, One thing I noticed while restoring my TR4A IRS was that the lever arm shock actually limits the downward travel of the swing arm. I am not sure if everyone realizes this. The way I realized th
/html/triumphs/2011-03/msg00532.html (7,935 bytes)

13. [TR] Costs (score: 183)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 20:02:29 -0400
I take a different view of the expense of restoring my TR4A. I don't keep ANY receipts.... It's a hobby, not a business (to me anyway). Besides, in my house receipts are another name for a thing call
/html/triumphs/2011-05/msg00382.html (8,132 bytes)

14. [TR] Paint Question (score: 183)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2011 21:11:35 -0400
Hi List, I hope there is someone out there that can help me with a painting question..? I am in the middle of painting the engine compartment, trunk, and passenger compartment in preparation of lower
/html/triumphs/2011-07/msg00451.html (8,428 bytes)

15. [TR] Update on paint fisheye situation.. (score: 183)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2011 21:22:47 -0400
List, I just ran across another website that recommended the following steps; 1.Wash car down with a mixture of Dawn dishwashing soap and water. 2. Wet sand surfaces smooth. ( I have 400 and 600 grit
/html/triumphs/2011-07/msg00452.html (8,051 bytes)

16. [TR] Correction to last post on paint fisheye (score: 183)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2011 21:26:39 -0400
List, Correction.... I just ran across another website that recommended the following steps; 1.Wash car down with a mixture of Dawn dishwashing soap and water. 2. Wet sand surfaces smooth. ( I have 4
/html/triumphs/2011-07/msg00453.html (7,473 bytes)

17. [TR] Paint Question (score: 183)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2011 23:55:13 -0400
No, There isn't any brake fluid anywhere near the Triumph yet.. I did put new rear rotors and pads on my regular car last weekend though and I used some of spray can brake cleaner but I wouldn't thin
/html/triumphs/2011-07/msg00458.html (8,295 bytes)

18. [TR] Huge Progress (to me). (score: 183)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2011 14:41:44 -0400
List, After a big setback on painting the engine compartment on my TR4A IRS and ending up with a huge dose of fisheye.. I was able to get not only the engine compartment painted, but the entire inter
/html/triumphs/2011-09/msg00055.html (7,796 bytes)

19. [TR] TR4A heater restoration (score: 183)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:11:58 -0500
So, I am in the middle of restoring the heater in my TR4A IRS and I have a couple of questions. 1. Removing rust from small fastners I just read an article on using regular vinegar to soak rust and g
/html/triumphs/2011-11/msg00669.html (7,579 bytes)

20. [TR] TR4 heater (score: 183)
Author: dconnitt at (Dave Connitt)
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 16:47:37 -0500
John, I just finished rebuilding my TR4A heater. I think they are about the same. I have pictures of the thing coming apart and going back together on my website. go to
/html/triumphs/2011-12/msg00539.html (8,319 bytes)

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