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Total 20 documents matching your query.

1. [TR] TR4A overflowbottle location (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (carlsereda)
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 11:48:34 -0800
I removed a TR4-A radiator overflow bottle back around 1979 (for my TR4) and it was located at front right bottom radiator area. I installed the bottle bracket under same bolt that holds my right bot
/html/triumphs/2011-01/msg00603.html (7,488 bytes)

2. [TR] TR4A steering (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (carlsereda)
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2011 11:47:36 -0800
Guy, The brackets (with double sided holes) were probably made for several cars - just reinstall as it was originally set up on TR4A. I would suggest doubling up the 'tube bushings' (razor off the 2
/html/triumphs/2011-02/msg00325.html (7,460 bytes)

3. [TR] jerk footing (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (carlsereda)
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2011 12:49:25 -0800
rear brake shoes sticking? Upon backing my TR3A out of the garage this afternoon, it would jerk forwards slightly for about every foot it went backwards. Any ideas of what the problem could be??
/html/triumphs/2011-02/msg00415.html (6,767 bytes)

4. [TR] Tr4 diff cover (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (carlsereda)
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 13:12:03 -0800
Greg, Randall's idea should work. I think I grasped tab open with locking jaw pliers way back when, and just barely pried open tab enough to release the brake line (certainly don't want to snap the t
/html/triumphs/2011-02/msg00550.html (7,099 bytes)

5. [TR] TR4A manifold (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (carlsereda)
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 17:48:03 -0800
Gary, I believe fitting the stock TR4-A cast iron exhaust manifold to a TR3 frame requires using the 2-piece; 'Y collector' with the seperately available 'extension pipe' (Moss has them), VERSUS the
/html/triumphs/2011-03/msg00377.html (7,617 bytes)

6. [TR] peening lift the dot studs (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (carlsereda)
Date: Wed, 11 May 2011 14:05:50 -0700
guessing a little here on your intentions... a pointed 'nail punch' if you want to slightly expand the portion (from behind) that goes into the screw down bracket - or a small socket, say 8mm or 3/16
/html/triumphs/2011-05/msg00331.html (7,615 bytes)

7. [TR] Quality of new TR floors by C-2-C Co.? (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (carlsereda)
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2011 23:15:41 -0700
Hi all, Has anyone on this TRlist bought and installed the TR replacement steel floors sold by 'Classic 2 Current' company (link shown below)?
/html/triumphs/2011-07/msg00569.html (7,347 bytes)

8. [TR] TR4 mirrors - 1 (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (carlsereda)
Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 12:30:07 -0700
Jim, I am sending you 2 photos. One photo shows 4 pairs of mirror designs from 1960's. The other photo shows (from my experience) the most typical dealer installed mirror model and placement on TR4 d
/html/triumphs/2011-08/msg00319.html (8,281 bytes)

9. [TR] TR4 weak turn cancel (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (carlsereda)
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2011 13:28:27 -0700
Will, 1) Maybe your steering shaft bushing is worn enough to drop the shaft a bit making it hard for cancel fingers to reach the bumps on canceling clip? FYI: I doubled up the bushings in my TR4 colu
/html/triumphs/2011-08/msg00390.html (7,662 bytes)

10. [TR] Triumphs Digest, Vol 4, Issue 110 (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (carlsereda)
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2011 12:03:31 -0700
If you're tall like me at over 6'1" in a TR4 you're forced to look through only the area near the top - awkard enough, without a dark band of tint... Regards, Carl '63 TR4 since '74 Just wondering if
/html/triumphs/2011-08/msg00410.html (7,113 bytes)

11. [TR] TR4 door seals (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (carlsereda)
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 14:16:18 -0700
Hi Guy, I also bought the TRF door seals and yes - they are not a great fit. I lost the bidding war on eBay for a NOS set of TR4 door seals but the fellow was kind enough to send me a slice off an en
/html/triumphs/2011-09/msg00111.html (7,795 bytes)

12. [TR] TR wiper motor brush arm spring 'insulator' (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (carlsereda)
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2011 23:35:35 -0800
Hi Gary, the top area of a plastic spray can cap would work.. using a nail clipper and other small sharp tools you can fashion something quite close enough to do the job.. doesn't have to be exact re
/html/triumphs/2011-11/msg00503.html (7,376 bytes)

13. [TR] TR3A fuel troubles (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (carlsereda)
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2011 23:38:09 -0800
Tim, Are you certain it is not a failing ignition coil? Carl '63 TR4 since '74 Eventually, same thing; lost power despite my playing with the throttle inputs, and eventually died. This time I left it
/html/triumphs/2011-11/msg00504.html (8,788 bytes)

14. [TR] Rostyle (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (carlsereda)
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2011 09:01:43 -0800
I have an older Triumph book with photo of a TR5... black car, black surrey top, black and chrome rostyle hub caps.. best looking TR5 I've ever seen! Regards, Carl '63 TR4 since '74
/html/triumphs/2011-11/msg00590.html (7,878 bytes)

15. [TR] TR 'stats -pics (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (carlsereda)
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 13:32:46 -0800
Hi all, TR4-A's were built with altered 'waterpump manifolds' where the bypasss port hole was cast a little smaller than for earlier TRs. The late ones I have seen have a hole opening about 3/8" as c
/html/triumphs/2011-11/msg00706.html (8,488 bytes)

16. [TR] Block writings (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (Carl Sereda)
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2012 01:18:39 -0500 (EST)
Hi Don, If you covered the '3' on your engine block the writing looks almost identical to my TR4 configuration regarding where the TR is, and where your faint 4 is. And your 3, if you look closely, i
/html/triumphs/2012-03/msg00031.html (7,244 bytes)

17. [TR] Carburretor Dashpot oil (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (Carl Sereda)
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 14:29:28 -0400 (EDT)
Interestingly - the Triumph TR4 & TR4A Factory Manual (pub. 1967) specifies 20wt for Winter and 30wt for Summer, for carburettor dashpots in the British Isles. For 'Overseas' it simply states - use a
/html/triumphs/2012-03/msg00405.html (7,475 bytes)

18. [TR] TR4 tail lens (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (Carl Sereda)
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 19:43:24 -0400 (EDT)
The early lenses have low contrast between lit and not lit (especially on bright days).. the later lens design is darker when not lit and lighter when lit.. but also TR250s got anodized reflecting co
/html/triumphs/2012-04/msg00079.html (7,509 bytes)

19. [TR] Triumphs Digest, Vol 5, Issue 169 (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (Carl Sereda)
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2012 14:29:21 -0400 (EDT)
Hi Tim, It's just a short steel pin that has friction fit but may need to be 'staked in' (edges of hole pinged with nail punch) after pin inserted.. One time, my unstaked pin (diagnosed later) droppe
/html/triumphs/2012-04/msg00142.html (7,881 bytes)

20. [TR] TR4A engine rattles (score: 108)
Author: carlsereda at (Carl Sereda)
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2012 15:14:12 -0400 (EDT)
Guy, Could have something to do with distributor slotted drive shaft.. or problem with advance weights . Or like someone said, fan mounts.. You might isolate the source of rattle better with a 'heari
/html/triumphs/2012-04/msg00190.html (7,972 bytes)

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